this keyword in Javascript
This keyword in javascript is used to refer to objects. This keyword points to a different object depending on how it is used. For a regular function, the pointing of this keyword depends on how and where the function is being called. For the arrow function, this keyword will not bind only it will take the reference of its parent's (location reference) this object and will use that as its reference object(this).
We can see the benefits of this keyword while using ES6 classes or constructor functions. Javascript will explicitly create a new object called this and it will be returned also explicitly. As we know that the ES6 classes and constructor functions (even Objects) will have a hidden object called prototype. Javascript will explicitly link the prototype object and this(object) so that there will be a prototype chain created between both objects and we can access the methods or properties inside the prototype using the keyword this before the prototype method or properties.
this.prototype."method-name"(). → we can invoke a method like this.
this.prototype."property-name" = new value. → we can assign a new value to a prototype property like this.
this in Regular Functions
For regular functions, if we invoke the method simply then it will point to the global object(window).
function displayName() {
console.log(`Hi ${}`); // this --> window
function displayFood() {
console.log(`Please eat ${}`); // this --> window
Implicit Binding of this
- If we implicitly bind the object like:-
ObjectName.methodName() → then in this case this keyword inside the method (methodName) will be pointing to that particular object (ObjectName).
let johnObj = {
firstName: 'john',
lastName: 'Doe',
work: 'Doctor',
fullName: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}.`;
workFunction: sayWork
let ronObj = {
firstName: 'Ron',
lastName: 'wisely',
work: 'Wizard',
fullName: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}.`;
workFunction: sayWork
function sayWork() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} is ${}.`;
console.log(ronObj.fullName()) //this --> ronObj
console.log(ronObj.workFunction()) //this --> ronObj
console.log(johnObj.fullName()) //this --> johnObj
console.log(johnObj.workFunction()) //this --> johnObj
Explicit binding and hard binding of this
- If we do explicit binding using the .call(object, parm1,parm2…), .apply(object, [parm1,parm2, …]), or .bind(object, parm1,parm2…) methods:-
Then in these cases, this keyword will take reference of the object that is passed inside the parameter.
Hard binding is done using .bind(object, parm1,parm2…) method
let ironMan = {
name: 'Iron Man',
power: 'Iron suit',
sayPower: function () {
console.log(`I have ${this.power}.`); //this --> ironMan
let spiderMan = {
name: 'Spider Man',
power: 'Spider suit',
sayPower: function () {
console.log(`I have ${this.power}.`); //this --> spiderMan
let thor = {
name: 'Thor',
power: 'Hammer',
sayPower: function () {
console.log(`I have ${this.power}.`); //this --> thor
function sayNameAndPower() {
console.log(`I am ${}, i have ${this.power}.`)
}; //this --> spiderMan
sayNameAndPower.apply(ironMan); //this --> ironMan
let callThorFunction = sayNameAndPower.bind(thor) //this --> thor
this in Arrow Functions
In the case of the arrow function, it does not depend on how you call the function it will take reference of its parent object(this) since the arrow function does not bind the object.
let hulkObj = {
name: 'Hulk',
power: 'Samsh'
function parent() {
let captianObj = {
name: 'Captian America',
power: 'Shield',
sayPower: function () {
console.log(`I have ${this.power}.`); //this --> captianObj
let thor = {
name: 'Thor',
power: 'Hammer',
sayPower: function () {
console.log(`I have ${this.power}.`); //this --> thor
function regular() {
console.log(`I am the this from regular Function ${}`);
} //this --> depends on parent
let arrowFunction = () => {
console.log(`I am the this from arrow Function ${}`)
} //this --> depends depends on parent
// regular() //this --> window
// arrowFunction() //this --> window
thor.sayPower() //this --> thor //this --> captianObj; //this --> hulkObj
return captianObj;
// parent();
since we are invoking the parent function using the .call method and implicitly setting this of the parent function to hulkobj the arrowFunction which is the child of the parent function is taking the reference of hulhObj for this. if we had invoked the parent function in a regular way like parent() the arrow function would take the reference for this as the global window object and since the global window object has no property called name it will be undefined